ESG disclosures now require sharing of confidential compliance data Co...
What do the CSRD and the NFDR mean to your business?
One of the biggest challenges that transnational corporations face is ...
Libryo earns 3 new badges as one of the top EHS Management Software providers
Capterra Shortlist 2022, GetApp Category Leaders 2022, and Software Ad...
In the world of regulatory compliance, the pandemic welded some breaks...
Our U.S. partner and senior advisor Dean Brewer sheds a little light i...
As a business, ensuring that you are compliant with the government reg...
ESG meets EHS, now what?
This is the second post in a three-part series, where the co-founders ...
In this series, the three co-founders of Libryo (the legal and other r...
Why we’ve rebranded Libryo Turks to Libryo Collaborate
You might be reading this wondering what Libryo Turks is? Well, you’re...
Sustainability, remote working and leadership - Podcast
Malcolm Gray, CFO & Cofounder at Libryo, discusses how Libryo was ...
End-to-end compliance management with Libryo Professional Services
Libryo, a cloud-based compliance platform, has extended its offering t...
3 convenient legal compliance tools for FMCG companies
Governments are setting new standards, better practices and higher mea...