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Utah: Notice of Rule Effective Date concerning R392-600 (Illegal Drug Operations Decontamination Standards)

Written by Garth Watson
on August 18, 2022

Notified About: Rule Effective Date concerning R392-600

Date Notified: 16 Aug 2022

Jurisdiction: Utah

The Agency of Health, Disease Control and Prevention, Environmental Services has published a Notice of Rule Effective Date concerning a previously published Notice of Proposed Rule, which amended Rule R392-600 to, amongst other things:

  • make various non-substantive changes, including for example, changing the wording of section R392-600-3 (Preliminary Assessment Procedures) from "(T)he local health department shall notify owner of record of test results reported to the local health department indicating that a property is potentially contaminated" to "(I)f a test result indicates a property is potentially contaminated, the local health department shall notify the owner of record of the test resultsoutline that the local health department must notify the owner of the test result if the result indicates a property is potentially contaminated." 
  • provide that the decontamination specialist and owner must ensure sampling and testing is in line with the section headed "Decontamination Procedures" and is conducted in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency sampling and testing protocols. 
  • provide for the requirements of confirmation sampling procedures, including requirements for the sample container. 



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