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Utah: Notice of proposed rule concerning used oil fuel burned for energy recovery

Written by Garth Watson
on June 17, 2022

Notified About: The Utah Notice of proposed rule concerning used oil fuel burned for energy recovery

Date Notified: 15 June 2022
Jurisdiction: Utah

The Department of Environmental Quality has issued a Notice of the Proposed Rule to:

  • clarify the language specifying contaminant levels and testing requirements to comply with the Standards for the Management of Used Oil 
  • reduce the exemption threshold for requiring an approval order to units designed to produce 0.5 million BTUs per hour or less. For example, the revised section reads "(2) An emission unit that burns used oil, as defined in Section R315-15-1, for energy recovery is exempt from the requirement to obtain an approval order in Sections R307-401-5 through R307-401-8 if the owner or operator complies with Section R315-15-6 and the heat input design of the emission unit is not more than 0.5 MMBtu/hr; and
  • invite written or oral comments from the public to be made until 1 July 2022.

If you don’t want to waste time conducting time intensive research on legal updates, and trawling multiple sources of regulation, and 

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