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Utah: EPA proposed rule to approve revisions to Utah Administrative Code: Environmental Quality; Title R307; Air Quality

Written by Garth Watson
on July 12, 2022

Notified About: An EPA Proposed Rule to Approve Revisions to Utah Administrative Code on Environmental/Air Quality

Date Notified: 07 July 2022

Jurisdiction: Utah

The Environmental Protection Agency has published a Notice proposing to amend the Utah Division of Administrative Rules to:

  • make clerical updates to the general requirements, permits, and emissions inventory rules
  • approve changes to several permits rules
  • repeal and replace the emissions testing rule and
  • approve a new rule on abrasive blasting in particular matter 10 non-attainment areas.

Interested persons may submit written comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R08–OAR–2022–0186, by 1 August 2022, at website

Customers of Libryo have already received all and only the legal updates that matter to them (from Libryo).

If you don’t want to waste time conducting time intensive research on legal updates, and trawling multiple sources of regulation, and 

if you want to be on the front foot with legal updates and managing compliance…

For information about  many other  US environmental regulatory updates, which we are making available to those who need to know about environmental regulations, click here.