Sky High Thinkers


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EPA regulations: Proposed amendments to manifest regulations for shipments of hazardous waste exported for treatment, storage, and disposal

Written by Garth Watson
on April 05, 2022
Date Notified: 04 Apr 2022
Jurisdiction: United States of America

The Environmental Protection Agency has published a Proposed Rule under the Solid Waste Disposal Act to:

  • propose certain amendments to the electronic manifest regulations 
  • detail actions the Agency is taking
  • set standards for operators of hazardous waste facilities using standardized permits
  • require waste handlers who export manifested hazardous waste shipments out of the U.S. to submit the export manifests
  • propose to make technical corrections to fix typographical errors in the e-Manifest document Regulations
  • provide a detail discussion on the proposed rule and
  • set out use of manifest commercial storage and disposal facility requirements.

Invite interested persons to submit written comments by May 31, 2022 using one of the following methods:

Mail -    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Docket Center,
              OLEM Docket, Mail Code 28221T, 1200
              Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington,DC 20460.


Hand -  Follow the instructions at (

Please click the following links if you would like to read about other updates to EPA regulations and US environmental regulations.