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South Carolina: Notice of Public Comment Period for South Carolina 2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan

Written by Garth Watson
on May 31, 2022

Notified About: Executive Order No. 2022-11: Notice of Public Comment Period for South Carolina 2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan

Date Notified: 02 May 2022
Jurisdiction South Carolina

The Governor of the State of South Carolina has published a Notice to:

  • invite comments on the proposed 2022 South Carolina Annual Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan to meet obligations to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • clarify the documentation of the establishment and maintenance of an air quality surveillance system 
  • include an annual assessment for facilities that attain the 1-hour sulfur dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standard
  • provide the public with the opportunity to request a public hearing on the Network Plan and
  • provide contact information for interested persons to find out if the Department will hold a public hearing.

If you don’t want to waste time conducting time intensive research on legal updates, and trawling multiple sources of regulation, and 

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For information about  many other  US environmental regulatory updates, which we are making available to those who need to know about environmental regulations, click here.