Up to date regulation for environment and health & safety

Arkansas Rules Establishing Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters

Notified About: Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission: Rule 2 - Rules Establishing Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Arkansas

Date Notified: 25  May 2022
Jurisdiction: Arkansas
The Department of Energy...
May 31, 2022 Read More

Arkansas Fire Protection Licensing Board: Rules for Portable/Fixed Systems

Notified About: Arkansas Fire Protection Licensing Board: Rules for Portable/Fixed Systems

Date Notified: 24 May 2022
Jurisdiction: Arkansas

The Arkansas Fire Protection Licensing Board has issued a Notice that, amongst other provisions:

  • ...
May 31, 2022 Read More

EPA Clean Water Act: Hazardous Substance Discharge Planning Regulations

May 30, 2022 Read More

Arkansas Fire Protection Licensing Board: Rules for Sprinkler Systems

Notified About: Arkansas Fire Protection Licensing Board: Rules for Sprinkler Systems

Date Notified: 24 May 2022
Jurisdiction: Arkansas

The Arkansas Fire Protection Licensing Board has issued a Notice that, amongst other provisions:

  • ...
May 30, 2022 Read More

OSHA Extension of comment period on Proposed Rule on Workplace Injuries and Illnesses

May 30, 2022 Read More

EPA proposed rule on Federal Implementation Plan requirements in respect of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard

May 27, 2022 Read More

City of Paris Ordinance - extending the Mayor's Declaration of Local Disaster

Date Notified: 14 May 2022
Jurisdiction: City of Paris

The City Council of the City of Paris, Texas has issued an Ordinance to:

  • ...
May 18, 2022 Read More

Wisconsin Natural Resources Board has published an Order to regulate firefighting foam that contains contaminants

Notified About:

Wisconsin: Order to create NR 159 relating to regulating firefighting foam that contains certain contaminants and affecting small business.

Date Notified: 05 May 2022
Jurisdiction: Wisconsin

The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board...

May 09, 2022 Read More

Utah State of Emergency Due to Drought (Utah administrative code)

Notified About: Utah, Executive Order 2022-04: Declaring Utah State of Emergency Due to Drought

Date Notified: 05 May 2022
Jurisdiction: Utah

The Governor of the State of Utah has published Executive Order 2022-04 to:

  • declare a State of Emergency
May 06, 2022 Read More

Draft Policy Assessment re the EPA Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards

Notified About:

Federal: Release of Draft Policy Assessment for the Reconsideration of the EPA Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards

Date Notified: 01 May 2022
Jurisdiction: United States of America

The Environmental Protection Agency has...

May 04, 2022 Read More