Sky High Thinkers


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Federal: House Bill 4445 (To amend title 9 of the United States Code with respect to arbitration of disputes involving sexual assault and sexual harassment)

Written by Garth Watson
on August 17, 2022

Notified About:

Federal: House Bill 4445 (To amend title 9 of the United States Code with respect to arbitration of disputes involving sexual assault and sexual harassment)

Date Notified: 15 Aug 2022
Jurisdiction: United States of America

The Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress have published an Act amending the United States Code to:

  • invalidate pre-dispute arbitration agreements as to sexual harassment and/or sexual assault claims
  • clarify that the court will determine whether the claims are subject to a previous arbitration agreement if an employee files a sexual harassment and/or sexual assault claim and
  • extend the law to sexual harassment and sexual assault claims brought in joint, class or collective actions.

[You were not updated about this Amendment earlier because there was a delay between when it was published and when it became available on our trusted sources. As such, our filters did not identify it. We regularly review our sources and processes. If you have any questions regarding our update and notification procedure, please contact us at]




Customers of Libryo have already received all and only the legal updates that matter to them (from Libryo).

If you don’t want to waste time conducting time intensive research on regulatory updates, and trawling multiple sources of regulation, and 

if you want to be on the front foot with updates to environmental regulation and managing compliance…

For information about  many other  US environmental regulatory updates, which we are making available to those who need to know about environmental regulations, click here.
For other useful stuff relating to EHS compliance and technology see the Libryo Sky High Thinkers blog. 
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