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Federal: Final rule regarding amendments to the regulations governing significant new uses of chemical substances

Written by Garth Watson
on July 11, 2022

Notified About:

Federal: Final Rule Regarding Amendments to the Regulations Governing Significant New Uses of Chemical Substances

Date Notified: 07 Jul 2022
Jurisdiction: United States of America

The Environmental Protection Agency has published a Final Rule under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) to: 

  • outline amendments to the regulations governing significant new uses of chemical substances under the TSCA, to align with several occupational safety and health standards and requirements, with a view to regulate respirators and worker safety, amongst other things
  • require any person subject to an applicable Significant New Use Rule to use appropriate engineering and administrative controls before using personal protective equipment (PPE) for worker protection
  • require that a written hazard communication program be developed and implemented for the chemical substance 
  • outline amendments to the regulations governing Significant New Use Rules in 40 CFR part 721, to address issues identified by the EPA and stakeholders
  • make minor changes to reporting requirements for premanufacture notices and other TSCA notifications and
  • specify that the Rule comes into effect on September 6, 2022.

Comprehensive detail of the changes being effected can be viewed from page 3 of the attached document. 



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