Sky High Thinkers


If you’re managing compliance for your company,
and are researching updates to EPA regulations that matter to you,
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EPA regulations: Federal Implementation Plan Addressing Regional Ozone Transport for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard

Written by Garth Watson
on April 11, 2022
Date Notified: 07 Apr 2022
Jurisdiction: United States of America

The Environmental Protection Agency has published a Rule under the Federal Registry to:

  • propose Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) requirements to address twenty-six states’ obligations 
  • establish nitrogen oxides emissions budgets requiring fossil fuel-fired power plants in 25 states to participate in an allowance-based ozone season trading program beginning in 2023
  • establish nitrogen oxides emissions limitations applicable to certain other industrial stationary sources in 23 states 
  • outline information on public participation
  • address air quality issues
  • analyse downwind air quality issues and contribution from upstate winds and
  • implement emission reductions.
Please click the following links if you would like to read about other updates to EPA regulations and US environmental regulations.