Sky High Thinkers


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Alameda County: Ord 2021-48

Written by Garth Watson
on March 04, 2022
Notified About Alameda County: Ord 2021-48
Date Notified 28 February 2022
United States of America > California > Alameda County

The Board of Supervisors of the County Code of Alameda has published an Ordinance amending the Alameda County Ordinance Code to:

  • outline the obligations of organic waste generators, commercial edible food generators, food recovery organisations and services, self-haulers and facility operators
  • empower the County to inspect and investigate at random to confirm compliance with the provisions 
  • outline the enforcement actions for non-compliance with the provisions
  • limit the designation of county collection service zones
  • outline the exempted persons from the requirements to obtain authorization to provide collection services and
  • make provision for a severability clause.


Customers of Libryo have already received all and only the legal updates that matter to them (from Libryo).

If you don’t want to waste time conducting time intensive research on legal updates, and trawling multiple sources of regulation, and 

if you want to be on the front foot with legal updates and managing compliance…

For information about  many other  US environmental regulatory updates, which we are making available to those who need to know about environmental regulations, click here.